Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Corporate Gifts & More

How Wudbox is Enabling Eco Friendly Corporate Gifting

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Reserve Bank of India

Event Giveaways for a National Level Event

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Rice Husk Coffee Cups for Office

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products

Apollo Hospitals

Sustainable Recycled Stationery


Wudbox X Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad: Wudbox provided RBI Hyderabad with eco-friendly giveaways for their national event, including cork diaries with recycled paper, bamboo pens, bamboo speakers, rice husk cups, cork coasters, and cotton cloth bags. By opting for sustainable gifting, RBI significantly reduced their carbon footprint, minimized waste, and showcased their commitment to environmental responsibility. This move made a strong impression on stakeholders, highlighting RBI’s dedication to sustainability and conveying a clear message about their values. The thoughtfully selected eco-friendly gifts fostered trust and admiration among attendees, enhancing RBI’s brand image and setting a positive example for other organizations to adopt similar practices.

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Employee Joining Kits for Hyderabad Office

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products

Gleneagles Hospitals

Planet Friendly Giveaways for India Launch 

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products

British Petroleum

Rice Husk Chai Cups for India Facilities Use


Wudbox X Amazon: Wudbox partnered with Amazon to provide eco-friendly employee joining kits for their Hyderabad office, including coconut shell bowls, coconut wood cutlery, rice husk cups, and sprouter grow kits in eco-friendly packaging. By choosing sustainable materials, Amazon significantly reduced its carbon footprint and environmental impact. This initiative not only promoted sustainable practices within the company but also enhanced Amazon’s reputation as a forward-thinking, environmentally responsible organization. The eco-friendly kits have fostered a culture of sustainability among new employees, encouraging them to adopt green practices in their daily lives.

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products

Numeric UPS

Event Gifts for a Company Wide Event

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products

Thryve Digital

Merchandise for Employees

employee joining kits, employee welcome kits, eco friendly gifts, corporate gifts eco friendly, sustainable gifts, eco friendly products


Sustainable Giveaways for Hyderabad Event


Wudbox X Numeric UPS: Wudbox supplied Numeric UPS with eco-friendly event gifts for their company-wide event in Chennai, including branded bamboo coffee sippers and rice husk cups in eco-friendly packaging. By opting for these sustainable gifts, Numeric UPS reduced their carbon footprint and minimized environmental impact associated with traditional event materials. This choice demonstrated their commitment to sustainability, reinforcing their image as a socially responsible company. The eco-friendly gifts also set a positive example for employees and stakeholders, promoting a culture of environmental consciousness within the organization.

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